Sunday, May 26, 2019



Published on 26th, May 2019 by Nwana Alfred C.

Happy_Birthday to National Open University of Nigeria Computer Scientist and a Comedian Sanctus Chukwuemeka Njoagwunani.

Sanctus Njoagwunani who is a recent graduate in the department of Computer Science NOUN Awka Study Centre, Abagana Anambra State is a native of Okeneral, Igbedor Anambra west local government County.

Felicitations to you Veteran Comedian Sanctus Njoagwunani as you celebrate May 26th a month on which you were born with fellow Nigerians within the Country and those in diaspora.

You are above your shortcomings and indeed a wonderful fellow. Wizardry in the area of your discipline and a rare gem of our epoch. You're humorous, industrious, creative and loveable and have put smile on the face of your fans, well wishers and by extension Nigerians at large through your comedy works.

May you live to witness more fruitful years in advance. The world is celebrating this day of your birthday with you.
...Age with grace-Cheers!

Monday, July 23, 2018


Bovine Colostrum, Bovine Immunoglobulin, Bovine Lacteal Compounds, Calostro, Colostrum Bovin, Colostrum Bovin Hyperimmune... 

    Overview Information

    Colostrum is a milky fluid that comes from the breasts of humans, cows, and other mammals the first few days after giving birth, before true milk appears. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that fight disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Antibody levels in colostrums can be 100 times higher than levels in regular cow’s milk.

    People originally got interested in bovine colostrum because of the high antibody levels. They thought that the antibodies might prevent intestinal infections in people, but they seem to be wrong.

    Some athletes use bovine colostrum to burn fat, build lean muscle, increase stamina and vitality, and improve athletic performance. Bovine colostrum is not on the banned drug list of the International Olympic Committee.

    Bovine colostrum is also used for boosting the immune system, healing injuries, repairing nervous system damage, improving mood and sense of well being, slowing and reversing aging, and as an agent for killing bacteria and fungus.

    Bovine colostrum is used in the rectum to treat inflammation of the colon (colitis).

    Researchers have created a special type of bovine colostrum called “hyperimune bovine colostrum.” This special colostrum is produced by cows that have received vaccinations against specific disease-causing organisms. The vaccinations cause the cows to develop antibodies to fight those specific organisms. The antibodies pass into the colostrum. Hyperimmune bovine colostrum has been used in clinical trials for treating AIDS-related diarrheadiarrhea associated with graft versus host disease following bone marrow transplant, and rotavirus diarrhea in children.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted hyperimmune bovine colostrum “orphan drug status.” Under the Orphan Drug Law, drug makers who invest in the development of treatments for rare conditions enjoy special market advantages; for example, permission to sell the drug without competition for 7 years. If these special incentives were not in place, pharmaceutical companies might not develop drugs for rare conditions because the potential market is so small.

    How does it work?

    Colostrum is collected from cows that have been vaccinated to produce antibodies that fight the bacteria that cause diarrhea disease. These antibodies appear in the colostrum that is collected as medicine.

    How To Prevent And Manage Prostate Enlargement Research revealed that

    How To Prevent And Manage Prostate Enlargement
    Research revealed that:
    About 20,000 men die of prostate cancer every year in Nigeria, One man out of Seven will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. According to America Cancer Society Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, so is lung cancer. Men with prostate cancer do not always experience symptoms (which is quite disturbing) BUT  some men however do experience changes in urinary or sexual function, including frequent nighttime urination, painful or burning urination, difficulty getting or maintain an erection or a dull pain in the lower pelvic area.

    Preventive Medicine is a smarter way out. Just a little change in your daily lifestyle and supplementing your diet with the nutrients. Forever Living Prostate Pack is a wellness food supplement that can help you prevent & manage Prostate Enlargement/Prostate Cancer. It is natural and Organic with no side effect. A lot of positive responses have been recorded from users of health pack. Prevention is always better than cure. You can contact me to get yours today at a great discount.

    Wednesday, July 18, 2018


    "SAVE A HEART TODAY" "HYPERTENSION (and other heart diseases) -A SILENT KILLER, how safe are you?"
    Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
    Blood pressure is the pressure (force) exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels.
    High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms.

    Warning (usually overlooked) signs:
    Bleeding from the nose,
    Nausea etc
    Early symptoms are mild, masked by other health challenges or not noticeable at all.
    Early complications:
    Effect on the heart (heart attack).
    Effect on the brain (stroke).
    Effect on the eyes (sudden blindness
    Effect on the kidneys (kidney failure)
    Effect on lungs (collapse)
    High blood pressure is classified as either:
    a. Primary - *this has no cause and thought to be linked to genetics or life poor styles.*
    b. Secondary - *so named because the direct cause can be identified.*
    Lifestyle factors that increase the risk include:
    * Excess salt,
    *Excess body weight,
    * Emoking,
    * Alcohol.
    *Excess refined sugar
    *Chemicalised agronomy
    Secondary high blood pressure:
    This is high blood pressure due to an identifiable cause, such as
    • Chronic kidney disease,
    • Narrowing of the kidney arteries,
    • Endocrine disorders,
    • Use of birth control pills.
    • Drugs with hypertension as normal side effects
    Blood pressure is expressed by two measurements, the systolic and diastolic pressures.
    Normal blood pressure at rest is within the range of 90/60 mmHg and 140/90 mmHg, depending on age and gender.
    High blood pressure is present if the resting blood pressure is persistently at or above 140/90 mmHg for most adults.
    The best way to manage hypertension is lifestyle changes but when lifestyle changes are not sufficient or effective then blood pressure medications are used. Unfortunately virtually all drugs for hypertension have severe consequences. So prevention using lifestyle approach is *very important* .
    Lifestyle changes include:
    Weight loss,
    Decreased salt intake, Physical exercise,
    Healthy diet,
    Detox of modern toxic load
    It is important to know that the human body has the capability to reverse some disease processes just as it can build new cells and replace worn-out tissues.
    However, for the body to function optimally and perform these roles, the nutritional requirements must be met on daily basis. Unfortunately some of the nutrients we need on daily basis are not always available and the body can neither manufacture nor store them.
    This is the reason for nutritional supplements.
    *The following supplements will help you manage your heart health:*
    1. "SAVE D HEART" pack will help to nourish and stimulate the growth of new healthy cells which ensures that tissues and organs are repaired.
    2. The Cardio health strengthens heart muscles and restore normal contractility of the heart.
    3. The Artic sea clears plaques from Ateries.
    4. Abetacare - vitamins A and E is known to restore *normal* blood pressures.
    5. Garlic/thyme clears blood clots from veins.
    6. *Clean 9 (C9) is a weight management package/program that also helps to toxins from the body*.
    If you detox with the C9 and then use the Save a heart Pack, the result is Amazing!
    NOTE: Being proactive about your health is Divine Wisdom. "BEWARE AND BE WARNED DON'T FALL A VICTIM".